Nlohe Pineapple processing factory in Manjo Sub-Division, ready to go operational thanks to Agropole Programme.


Nlohe Pineapple production Agropole, can now effectively kick-start the processing of fresh pineapples in their own electrified processing unit, ready to go operational right in their production basin, thanks to the Economic Regional Development Programme for the Promotion of Medium and Large-scale Enterprises of the Rural Sector in Cameroon dubbed “Agropole Programme”. 

On the 17th July 2023, the reception committee, chaired by the National Coordinator of the Agropole Programme, carried out the reception of works on the extension of a three-phase electrical power grid to the processing unit.

Prior to this project, the highly perishable pineapple produce of this agropole, were often transported over 22 kilometers to Njombé, for processing. To this effect, the difficulties accompanying this distant processing were:

  • Additional logistic cost incurred;
  • Rents paid for the processing unit;
  • Non-valorization of derivatives which rather becomes a waste to get rid of and ;
  • Non mastery of the processing chain.

In 2017, the Agropole Programme contributed in acquiring and the installation of equipment of the processing unit but due to the absence of an electrical power supply, it was left non-operational. With the finalization of this project, the factory is ready to go operational right in their production basin, and an anticipated drastic drop in the production cost is envisaged. Also, waste products from their processing activities will be reuse in fertilizing the farms, producing bio-gaz and in animal production. 

Images of the extended power grid


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